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Although we endeavour to keep the information on our website up to date and correct, it may be possible that the information published on our website is incomplete or incorrect. The information on our website is regularly updated
and / or adjusted. Rooymans Neckwear BV reserves the right to put possible changes immediately into force without any notification.

The websites and all its parts is property of Rooymans Neckwear BV. It is not allowed to publish, to copy, or to save information from the website or parts of the website without explicit written consent from Rooymans Neckwear BV.

We cannot be responsible for the whether the information on our website is appropriate for the goal, for which you consult our website. All information, products and services are offered in a state, in which they actually find
themselves and with any (implicit) guarantee with regards to their availability, soundness and appropriateness for a certain goal or otherwise.

We are not liable for any direct or indirect damage, of whichever nature, that results from or is in any way connected
to the use of our website. Rooymans Neckwear BV will not be liable for the website being temporarily unavailable.
We are also not liable for direct or indirect damage as a cause of using the information that was obtained by
consulting our website.

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specials necktie silk super repp necktie pure silk necktie polyester specials pashmina shawls scarf pure silk scarf polyester safety ties bow ties cuff links shirts waistcoat suspenders